June 16, 2017 – Statement from Complete College America President Tom Sugar on Texas House Bill 2223, which enacts the implementation of Corequisite Support for 75% of remedial students in the state – the largest-scale adoption of the reform to date. The legislation passed unanimously in both the House and Senate and was signed into law this week by Texas Governor Greg Abbott:
“Traditional remediation is a significant barrier to college dreams, but no longer in Texas,” said Complete College America president Tom Sugar. “Governor Abbott, Rep. Giddings, Rep. White and the state’s institutions have taken a bold stand for their students, replacing a broken system of remedial education with a proven strategy that is quadrupling student success in math and English in a quarter of the time. This move will pay huge dividends, and Texas will have many more college graduates because of it.”
Want more information?
For more on Corequisite Remediation and the results being achieved around the country, visit our report Corequisite Remediation: Spanning the Completion Divide.