Developed by The Ada Center in partnership with Complete College America

Getting Started

As the old adage goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Many institutions have experience creating strategic student success plans; they have set KPIs around retention, graduation, and equity, they have worked diligently to apply Guided Pathways principles across the campus, and they have attended workshops and conferences to tackle transfer policies, workforce alignment, and developmental education reform. But, too often, technology strategy, procurement, and implementation decisions are either fragmented across various departments/units and/or siloed from broader student success initiative planning. As a result, institutions may end up with an expensive technology ecosystem filled with disconnected or duplicative tools that ultimately fail to provide a sturdy foundation for student success efforts.

This module will help institutions begin the journey of turning that around. You will walk through a process akin to a chiropractic adjustment for your student success strategies and technologies by creating a student success technology plan. This plan will provide a roadmap to better align your technology tools with your student success initiatives.

Who Would Benefit From This Module

This resource will be most useful for CTOs/CIOs, technology project managers, student success initiative leaders, and/or steering committees engaged in student success technology strategy.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What is a student success technology plan, and why does it matter?
  • Who should be involved in creating a student success technology plan?
  • How can we understand our existing technology and process gaps and opportunities as they relate to our student success goals?
  • How can we prioritize key technology projects and align relevant processes to establish a strong foundation for our student success goals?

How You’ll Learn:

2.1: Read Me!
Module 2 Starter

2.2: Template
Student Success Technology Planning Team

2.3: Activity
Initiative and Technology Mapping

2.4: Activity and Discussion Guide
Post-Mapping Reflection and

Access the Content

Module 2.1 How Does My College Create a Student Success Technology Plan

Module 2.2 Student Success Technology Planning Team

Module 2.3 Initiative and Technology Process Mapping Activity Guide

Module 2.4 Post-Mapping Reflection and Prioritization Guide

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