Sarah Tucker
West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education

Sarah Tucker
West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education
Dr. Sarah Tucker serves as Chancellor for the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education. She previously served as Vice-Chancellor, and prior to her role with the System, Dr. Tucker worked for the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission as the Director of Planning and Research. Her work has focused on college access, particularly for first-generation rural students, and redesigning developmental education.
Dr. Tucker completed her doctorate at the School of Education, University of Michigan in 2010. Prior to pursuing her doctorate, she worked as a behavioral specialist in an adolescent girls group home. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Harvard University and a M.A. in Quantitative Research Methodology from the University of Michigan.
In addition to her duties with the WV Council for Community and Technical College Education, Dr. Tucker serves on numerous statewide committees and councils dealing with workforce development, economic development, and other issues relating to community and technical college education.