Rajni Soharu
University of New Orleans

Rajni Soharu
University of New Orleans
Rajni Soharu is the Registrar at University of New Orleans (UNO). She has worked at UNO since 2006, in the capacity of Assistant Registrar for Technology, Associate Registrar for Technology, and Director of Catalog and Curriculum. She has a B.S. in Telecommunication Engineering (Bangalore University, India), M.S. in Engineering Management (UNO), M.B.A. with Management of Information Systems Concentration (UNO) and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Engineering Management. Her dissertation revolves around Curriculum Mapping and how it can shorten time to graduate, improve graduation rates, minimize time conflicts and optimize logical sequences of courses. She has extensively worked on evaluating course prerequisites, creating structured curriculums, generating recommended 4-year plans and curriculum mapping since 2014. As a part of UNO’s retention initiative, she has worked as the Chair of the 15- to- Finish team since 2015. Under her supervision the team has spoken to faculty, staff and students about the benefits of 15-to-Finish and how to successfully implement it.