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Myra Snell
California Acceleration Project

Myra Snell
California Acceleration Project
CAP Co-Founder Myra Snell is the creator of Path2Stats at Los Medanos College, the first pre-statistics course in the country to provide a one-semester alternative to the traditional multi-level remedial algebra sequence. Along with CAP Co-Founder Katie Hern, Snell was named one of the “16 Most Innovative People in Higher Education” by the Washington Monthly. A nationally recognized expert in remedial math reform, Snell has worked with Carnegie-Mellon’s Open Learning Initiative in Statistics and consulted with the Statway Project of the Carnegie Foundation for Teaching. In 2015, she was one of four finalists for the national Faculty Innovation award from the American Association of Community Colleges. Her past roles include serving as a Coach for the Faculty Inquiry Network and leading developmental education and student outcome efforts at her college. She holds a master’s degree in Pure Mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley.