Michelle Adams
Dean of Student Services
Olive-Harvey College

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Michelle Adams
Dean of Student Services
Olive-Harvey College
Michelle Adams is currently the Dean of Student Services at Olive-Harvey College. She has been a professional in higher education for 28 years. Michelle’s experience includes working within the student lifecycle, from recruitment through completion. She has had the opportunity to work at private and public 4-year universities and community colleges. She has found her passion in working with and for community college students for the last 22 years. As an administrator, Michelle has focused on implementing guided pathway programs, creating opportunities for supportive services through third-party partnerships and directing strategies to increase retention and graduation rates. Michelle’s leadership has been one that serves not only her division but the students as well. Michelle serves on State level committees and AACC commission on Research and Community College Trends and Issues as an advocate for equity in the higher education landscape.
Program Review Illinois Advisory Committee, American Association of Community Colleges Commission on Research and Community College Trends and Issues
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