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Lenore Rodicio
Senior Fellow
Aspen Institute

Lenore Rodicio
Senior Fellow
Aspen Institute
Lenore Rodicio is a nationally recognized leader in higher education. A native of Miami, Florida, Dr. Rodicio is an educational strategist, currently engaged as a Senior Fellow at the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program; as a Senior Fellow for transformation initiatives funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and as a Complete College America Fellow. Dr. Rodicio previously served as Executive Vice President and Provost at Miami Dade College (MDC). Most of Dr. Rodicio’s work has centered on equitable student access, success and achievement; the recruitment of minoritized populations to the STEM fields; increased access to liberal education for all students; and continuous improvement of the teaching and learning process.
Outside of her professional work, Dr. Rodicio is married to her husband of over twenty years, is the mother of five children, and is an avid baker.