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Judith Burrows
Director of Student Aid
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
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Judith Burrows
Director of Student Aid
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
I’ve worked in the Community Foundation field for more than thirty years – first for the New York Community Trust and currently at the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, where I am Director of Student Aid. In this capacity, I oversees staff that is responsible for annual distributions of over $5.5 million from more than 375 scholarship funds as well as development of new scholarship resources and donor stewardship. I also currently partner with our VP to oversee the Foundation’s Career and College Readiness initiative that includes leadership of 65 x 25 attainment goal for NH; $2.5 million for scholarships to students in 2-year or less post-secondary education/workforce training; as well as a number of grants to fund innovative local programs that align with the goal of making NH a pathways state.
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