Jennifer Joslin
Associate Director

Jennifer Joslin
Associate Director
Jennifer Joslin is the NACADA Associate Director for Content Development and is a Past President of NACADA.
As Associate Director for Content Development, Jennifer works closely with the Executive Director and Senior Associate Director to fulfill NACADA’s mission to create and nurture professional development, theory, and practice for our global membership. Primary responsibilities include supporting member-created content such as the NACADA eTutorials, and print and electronic publications that align with NACADA events, programs, and services to advance the profession of advising.
Jennifer has presented at regional, national, and international advising conferences, and consulted at institutions in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. She has presented webinars on the topics of the Completion Agenda, advising training and development, social media, working with LGBTQA students, and advising administration. Jennifer is co-editor, with Ms. Pat Folsom and Dr. Frank Yoder, of The New Academic Advisor Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Academic Advising, and with Dr. Nancy Markee, of the 2011 book, Academic Advising Administration: Essential Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century. She has written articles and chapters for the NACADA Journal (2008) and several NACADA books including Comprehensive Advisor Training and Development (2010); Advising Special Populations (2007); and Advisor Training (2003). Jennifer is also a graduate lecturer in the Kansas State University College of Education in the Department of Special Education, Counseling, and Student Affairs.
Prior to working at NACADA, Dr. Joslin was the Director of the Office of Academic Advising at the University of Oregon, and was the Senior Associate Director for Training and Development at The University of Iowa. A native Californian, Jennifer earned her Masters and PhD from The University of Iowa in 2002. Jennifer is a proud member of the Jane Austen Society of North America. Connect with Jennifer on Twitter (@jenniferejoslin) for continued conversation.