Geri Anderson
Special Assistant to the President, Former Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and Provost
Aims Community College

Geri Anderson
Special Assistant to the President, Former Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and Provost
Aims Community College
In the role of Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer, Geri Anderson provided leadership for all community college academic and student affairs policy review and development, ensured the development and enhancement of high quality career and technical and transfer education programs through on-going program review, assessment of student learning, high academic standards and the expansion of scholarship/creative activity.
Geri spearheaded The Colorado Community College System’s remedial education reform initiative and guided significant policy changes through the system board resulting in dramatic changes to the delivery of remedial education across the entire system. She convened a task force of remedial education leaders from across the system and guided a change process that resulted in broad support from faculty, administration and ultimately the system board. The new system level policy ensures all CCCS students have the opportunity to pass gateway courses and enter programs of study in their first academic year. As a result, the system is experiencing dramatic improvements in gateway course success rates, particularly in English.