Laura M. Schueller, Ph.D.
Strategy Director, Complete College America

Before coming to Complete College America to serve as a Strategy Director in the Northwest region, Dr. Laura Schueller served as a mathematics faculty member at Whitman College, the Instructional Support Coordinator at Walla Walla Community College, and a Policy Associate in the Student Success Center of the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Dr. Schueller received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University and her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Kentucky. She has more than 30 years of classroom experience including her 15 years as a tenured faculty member. From 2010 through 2021, Dr. Schueller invested in projects on equitable placement practices, precollege math reform, curriculum alignment, implementation of mathematics corequisites, and supporting colleges to do transformational work within the Guided Pathways framework with community colleges in Washington at both the college and state level. AREAS OF EXPERTISE -Math Pathways -Academic Maps -Meta Majors -Corequisite Support -Placement