Colorado Momentum

Momentum Pathways
CCA’s Momentum Pathways Scale Project is an initiative focused on boosting college attainment in states by developing clear pathways amongst participating institutions and implementing evidence-based strategies that help students meet key, first-year benchmarks. As a participating state, Colorado is committed to taking bold action to improve graduation rates and eliminate achievement gaps.
The effort leverages CCA’s Game Changers, data-driven interventions designed to restructure systems, improve student outcomes and eliminate achievement gaps. The Momentum Pathways Scale Project creates a three-year implementation timeline and includes significant structured implementation support from CCA staff and content experts.
15 to Finish
15 to Finish
Boost the number of students who are on track for on-time graduation by encouraging enrollment in 15 credits each semester (30 credits per year, including summers). Financial aid dollars, as well as institutional process and practice, should support that standard. Read more.
Math Pathways
Math Pathways
Ensure all students enroll in and complete gateway math in their first year by designing math courses that are aligned with the skills students need for their chosen program of study. Read more.
Corequisite Support
Corequisite Support
Increase gateway course completion within the first year by enrolling entering students into the college-level math and English courses, providing those who need additional help a concurrent course or lab that offers just-in-time academic support. Read more.
Momentum Year
Momentum Year
Build early momentum so students meet key, first-year benchmarks: informed choice of a meta major or major, enrollment in 30 credits, completion of nine credits in the program of study and completion of gateway math and English requirements. Provide early support and guidance that empower decision making, including the use of interest assessments and labor-market data. Read more.
Academic Maps with Proactive Advising
Academic Maps with Proactive Advising
Default students onto highly-structured academic maps that lay out a semester-by-semester plan toward on-time completion. Design maps to include 15 credits per semester (or 30 per year), indicate milestone and pre-requisite courses, and empower advisors to effectively monitor progress and provide intervention as needed. Read more.
Colorado Institutional Plan Webinar
Informational webinar from 1/25/19 featuring CCA's Monika Mala and Bruce Vandal.
In-State Leadership Meeting 10/09/2018
Institutional Leads will begin to develop a case statement that will demonstrate the need for the strategies, using data and other evidence. The case statement will also identify clear goals for the project, be used to prepare key stakeholders, and be used to secure additional funding and philanthropic support.
Colorado Action Summit 10/26/2018
The Project Team and Institutional Leads will host the event, which is designed to engage, educate and empower Institutional Teams. Institutional Teams will learn about the Momentum Pathways process and key strategies. They will engage with their Institutional Teams, as well as individuals with similar roles from other institutions, and will begin working on a draft implementation plan.
Colorado Planning Academy
The Planning Academy is a two-day event that brings together Institutional Teams, each with an assigned facilitator, to refine implementation plans for each strand of the Momentum Pathways project. Each Academy is customized to meet the unique needs of the project site.
More details coming soon.