Call for Proposals, CCA Annual Convening 2023
December 10-12, 2023 | April 3, 2023

CCA’s Annual Convening has been a major opportunity to bring together stakeholders, industry and workforce leaders, institutional leaders, faculty and campus staff, community advocates, state policymakers, and system leaders. This year again, CCA will be laser-focused on sharing results and refining commitments to strategies that improve college completion rates and eliminate institutional performance gaps in higher education.
The convening will take place on December 10-12 at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to the invited speakers, networking opportunities, and team work times, we are scheduling times for members of the CCA Alliance to showcase their own campus, system, and state work.
The Program Committee seeks a diverse slate of presenters representing a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and voices. Each proposal received will be carefully considered by our Program Committee and sessions will be selected to create a robust agenda to appeal to the range of our convening attendees.
Proposal Types
We are accepting proposals for four types of engagement. All proposals are due by June 15th; successful applicants will be notified by June 30th.
A poster offers the opportunity to exchange ideas, present work in progress, and receive valuable feedback. Posters might include descriptions of innovative programs, processes, or research projects.
Posters may include pictures, data, graphs, and narrative text on a paper backing up to 24×36 inches. Presenters are required to offer explanations of their posters in person during the scheduled poster session. These “elevator speech” type presentations should summarize the poster content with attendees who stop by the poster to view it and ask questions.
Poster sessions cannot be used to advertise products or to display vendor items.
20 by 20
A 20 by 20 presentation (sometimes called Pecha Kucha) requires the presenter to present 20 slides or images that are displayed for 20 seconds each and then automatically advanced. Presenters in this format must be concise to get through all of their content.
These presentations are ideal for campus initiatives that are in early stages with slides highlighting the problem, context, early versions of solutions, data and lessons learned to date, and future work.
The themes for CCA’s 2023 “20 by 20” are Serving Part-Time Students, Supporting Student Mental Health, and Engaging Adult Learners.
20 by 20 sessions cannot be used to promote goods and services.
Snapshot Session
These short fifteen-minute sessions should offer high level takeaways and allow the audience to engage with the presenter. Proposals that are aligned with one of the CCA Pillars (Purpose, Structure, Momentum, Support) will be prioritized.
Promotion of goods and services in short presentations is limited to conference sponsors. Please contact for sponsorship information.
Workshop, Presentation or Panel
These forty-five-minute sessions should provide specific strategies, ideas, and resources that can be used across varying institutions, systems or states. Audience interaction is expected and thus a portion of your agenda should be devoted to discussion, Q&A, or other activities to promote an exchange of ideas.
Workshop, Presentation, and Panel sessions cannot be used to promote goods and services.
We are pleased to offer a reduced registration fee of $400 per person for up to three presenters (two per poster) for accepted proposals. Submission of your session proposal acknowledges that you and any co-presenters will be required to register for the convening and pay the appropriate presenter fees if your proposal is accepted.