“I think I can say with a high degree of certainty the Complete College Tennessee Act of 2010, the progress we made and the commitment that’s ongoing, would not have been what it turned out to be without Complete College America.”
Day 1
The Completion Crisis:
From “It’s a student issue” to “It’s our problem to solve”
Our journey began when we recognized the problem. Change started when we decided to solve it.
We believe progress begins with a clear understanding of the current reality. Since the beginning, CCA has been a truth-teller – sometimes shining a light on little known or overlooked challenges. But we never stop there. We’re committed to understanding our role in solving these challenges and sharing what we learn with the field. At each step, we’ve been joined by committed individuals, institutions and states who’ve rolled up their sleeves to make change real.
In 2010:
of full-time students at 2-year institutions graduated on time
of full-time students at 4-year institutions graduated on time
Remembering Stan Jones
CCA Fellows recalling the organization’s early days reflected on the life and legacy of Founder Stan Jones. Tim Renick, Larry Abele and Scott Evenbeck share their memories about the man who started a completion movement in higher education.

Growing the Alliance
As a founding member of the CCA staff, Cheryl Orr Dixon reflects on the organization's early days and growing an Alliance.

CCA's Early Groundbreaking Reports

Remediation: Higher Education's Bridge to Nowhere
Report detailing the broken remediation system and solutions.
Time is the Enemy
Explores one of the biggest obstacles to reaching graduation.
Four-Year Myth
Most college students do not graduate on time. Many more can.