Brandon Protas, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President for Alliance Engagement Complete College America
Brandon Protas, Ed.D. serves as the Assistant Vice President for Alliance Engagement with Complete College America (CCA). He guides the planning and management of the CCA Alliance to support institutions, systems, and states in their efforts to improve student success. Brandon contributes to policy and advocacy of college completion and equity-focused efforts while leading regional and national projects to implement and scale.
Prior to joining CCA, Brandon worked for nine years at Community College of Denver directing their concurrent enrollment program. He led the college through accreditation from the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). He subsequently served on both the NACEP and Colorado concurrent enrollment advisory boards. Brandon also worked for more than a decade in the K12 system in the Sunnyside Unified School District in Tucson, Arizona in a variety of capacities including social work, community building, and college readiness programming.
Brandon is passionate about education as a public good to improve society and transform individual lives. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University, a Master of Social Work from Arizona State University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University.