Shelly Ray
Former Chair of Mathematics Department - Retired
Community College of Aurora

Shelly Ray
Former Chair of Mathematics Department - Retired
Community College of Aurora
Dr. Michelle “Shelly” Ray is a Professor of Mathematics and recently retired from her role as the Department Chair at Community College of Aurora.
Her experience also includes time as the Director of Academic Assessment at Aims Community College. In her role as Director, she developed and established the foundation for the assessment practices currently in place at Aims Community College. She is back in the classroom where her primary teaching areas include: the Calculus sequence, Trigonometry, Statistics, Math for the Liberal Arts, College Algebra, Career Math, and Introduction to Education. Shelly has been teaching at the collegiate level since 1999. During her tenure in the classroom, she has explored ways to engage students in deep learning utilizing active learning strategies, Writing to Learn, and flipped learning approaches. In addition to teaching mathematics courses, Shelly mentors new faculty.
Shelly works as a consultant in higher education supporting best practices in assessment of student learning with colleges and universities, as well as the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE). She was a lead consultant on the Re-envisioning GT Pathways project for the State of Colorado working collaboratively with faculty from across the state to revise the competencies and learning outcomes for general education transfer courses. In working with colleges and universities to meet the demands of accreditation related to assessment of student learning, she advises on the development and implementation of multi-level institutional assessment plans and practices.
Shelly also serves as the two-year college lead on the Math Pathways Task Force for the State of Colorado. She presents the work of the task force at regional, state, and national events. Her experience includes building a sustainable task force to implementation, working at scale, co-requisite and faculty professional development to support Math Pathways redesign.
Most recently, Shelly has worked with the Charles A. Dana Center as a reviewer/writer addressing co-requisite content in Statistics and Quantitative Reasoning and with Complete College America as a content expert at the M7 summit in Milwaukee.