A decade ago, corequisite support – an alternative to traditional prerequisite remediation – was a novel and promising idea. It addressed a hidden crisis in college: fewer than 1 in 10 students who start in remediation go on to graduate and yet over 1.7M students were being enrolled in remedial courses each year. Since then, CCA has supported more than a dozen states scale the corequisite model, and audited best practices from coreq leaders nationwide.

Now, CCA has launched its third report on corequisite support: No Room for Doubt, focused on coreq’s impact on improving outcomes for students in need of developmental education. Through conversations with practitioners, researchers, partners, and students, one thing is clear:

Corequisite support should be the norm for developmental education at every college and university.

This work is more important than ever. Students of color, first generation students, and adult learners are disproportionately impacted by outdated remedial course sequences. Black and Latinx students in particular are disproportionately enrolled in remediation, making them more likely to get stuck in long remedial course sequences that lead many to stop out before they complete gateway courses.

As higher education grapples with its own role in perpetuating racial inequality and looks to new approaches that lead to greater equity, corequisite support must be a part of the solution.

CCA’s team of strategists have years of experience helping states and institutions implement coreq at scale, and we’re ready to help you roll up your sleeves and start shifting policy, perspective and practice.

No Room For Doubt report cover

Download the Report

Following previous reports on the corequisite model, No Room for Doubt outlines a decade of data on the effectiveness of coreq as well as new insights on how to implement and scale. Sections include:

  • The Evidence is Clear: The latest data on the efficacy of the corequisite support.
  • Corequisite at Scale: How the continued adoption of the corequisite model across the U.S. will address inequities and lead to increased student success.
  • Going Deeper with Corequisite: A detailed review and checklist of the policies, perspectives, and practices that can support the implementation of coreq at scale.


Log in or create a free profile to get immediate access to the report. To download, click the tile at right.

No Room for Doubt: Moving Corequisite from Idea to Imperative

No Room for Doubt: Moving Corequisite from Idea to Imperative

A decade of data on the effectiveness of the corequisite model and new insights on how to implement and scale.

April 6, 2021

Join the Movement

From sounding the alarm to supporting statewide implementation of the corequisite model to gathering best practices from the field, CCA has been at the forefront of a national movement to scale corequisite support in service to more equitable outcomes.

If you’re ready to learn from your peers—and help them learn from you—contact CCA’s strategy directors today, and we’ll guide your next steps for adopting and scaling coreq.


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Let's Talk Coreq